School Management Software

School management software is a web-based application that helps schools manage their day-to-day operations. The software is frequently used to schedule teacher meetings, create class schedules, track student grades, and log attendance. It provides a centralized platform for managing student data, attendance, grades, and more. It also offers features like online payments, a school calendar, and more.

Get the best Online School Management Software to manage your school’s activities performed by Teachers, Students, And Employees.

Why SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE is important for Schools:

School management software is the best option for managing the school easily. If you have a big school then it is very difficult to manage. In this case, management software is required to manage the school. Our restaurant management software provides all the functionality which is required for idle work to manage. If you want to use it, we will provide you with a 15-day free trial after that you can decide what you want.
If you want to build or customize your own software according to your requirement – CALL US to discuss and get to know the cost of the software.

Online School Software
Online School Management Software Includes Following Features
Certificate ManagmentCertificate Managment


Student AttendanceStudent FeesCash Book
Student Attendance ReportEmployee SalaryLedger Book
Staff AttendanceOthersFee Slip
Staff Attendance Report Student Due List
SettingViewStudent Result
Add Admission YearAdmission YearCreate Result (LKG & UKG)
Add SessionSessionCreate Result (1-5)
Add ClassClassCreate Result (6-8)
Fees SettingFees SettingCreate Unit Test Result
Add BusBusPrint Result (LKG & UKG)
Add Bus RouteBusPrint Result ( 1 to 5 )
Add QualificationBus RoutePrint Result (6 to 8)
User PermissionQualificationDress Inventory

The benefit of School Management Software: 

Charvix technology is the best software development company in Varanasi. Get your free online school management software. This school management software manages all the work performed by the user. It is the all-in-one solution to manage your school easily

If you want to change some functionality of your software in this case our development team work on the software according to your requirement. And completed the work in less amount of time.

A key feature of School Management Software:

Charvix technology gives you the complete feature of online school management software. It provides you with the following feature-

  • Student Management
  • Teachers Management
  • Fee Management
  • Transport Management
  • Report Card Generate
  • Certificate Generate
  • Attendance Management
  • Fee Report
  • Student Report
  • Homework
  • Online Fee(Optional)
  • Apps (Optional)

Why online School Management Software is important for you:

School management software is the best option for managing the school easily. If you have big school then it is very difficult to manage. In this case, management software is required to manage the school. Our restaurant management software provides all the functionality which is required for idle work to manage
If you want to use it, we will provide you 15-day free trial after that you can decide what you want.
If you want to build or customize your own software according to your requirement – CALL US to discuss and get to know of cost of software.